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Let SFV Climate Reality help you be the change you want to see in the world!

Check out the Bee the Change section each month for simple action items you can take to help solve the climate crisis. 

Every step, big and small, gets us closer to a healthier planet.

Check in at the next chapter meeting and let us know how it went!

Looking for a previous month's actions? Check out our Bee The Change archive for each past month's BTC list:

January 2022: New Year, New Goal: Zero Waste

November 2021: Rights of Nature

October 2021: Recycling Check-in

September 2021: Decarbonize Your Home

August 2021: Support Wildlife and Biodiversity


July 2021: Get to Know Your Legislators

June 2021: Live Well and Spark A Climate Revolution

May 2021: Help the Bees

February Actions

Inspired by our February guest speaker Antonio Sanchez from the Santa Monica Mountains (SAMO) Fund Native Plant Nursery, here are 3 ways you can cultivate native plants for a more resilient habitat in the face of climate change:


1. Plant Native! 

Aim to use at least 50% native plants in your yard and community. Avoid invasive, non-native plants that can be fire hazards and detrimental to the existing habitat. Visit the website for a comprehensive list of alternative plant suggestions.

2. Plant in the Winter!

In order to ensure survival and conserve water, the best planting period in the L.A. area is November-March. Plant younger plants that are smaller in size as opposed to buying larger, more developed plants. Use 2-5 gallons of water the first two times you water, then water once a week until plants are established.

3. Preserve the Old & the Native:

Be an advocate for preserving old growth and existing habitat in your community and backyard. Get involved in your local neighborhood council. Avoid cutting down old trees on your property. Be a voice for curbside habitat and public spaces.

Additional Resources:

Growing Resilience presentation by Antonio Sanchez, shown at SFVCR's Feb 8 chapter meeting

Volunteer at the SAMO Fund Nursery and get free plants to take home:

Enter your address in CalScape to see all the plants native to your area!

Follow Natives4Nature on Instagram

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